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fitlife, Page 3


Three weeks out from the Diva Half Marathon in Galveston so I’ve decided to start training. 22 min of jogging on Friday, 30 minutes today. Weightlifting goes on all the time but the knees have to adjust to the abuse. Can’t wait to do this Half with the sistahs and Mom! Thanks to @m4munson for training with me when you don’t have to! #besthusbandever #hothusband #blog #running #training #fitover40 #fitlife #conditioning #gpp #halfmarathon #alwaysbetter


Another page down. 2426 reps/calories plus a bunch of extra reps not counted just cuz. I’ve added running and interval work on rowing and bike. Easily doing double unders in workouts…finally. Missed a much needed massage this week but scheduled with a different guy for next week. Regular stretching and rolling out has to be augmented with a massage person who understands what I’m doing and what I’m trying to accomplish. Repair and prevention. Train smart and hard. #fitlife #fitoverforty #strongmama #massage #healthylife @m4munson #blog