The Munson Pre-Warmup

Here is the pre-warmup routine that Pam and I personally use and have all our athletes perform as well.

This is a pre-warmup series. Meaning, this is done before the skills/drills work and/or the warmup of movements to be used in the actual training session.

This routine has been modified and improved over time to what it currently is, but we’ve always done something similar to this.

I got the Joint Mobility series from years of martial arts, the Rolling and Limbers from Joe DeFranco (the DeFranco 8, which I found through Jim Wendler’s materials), and the Movement series is a movement set Pam and I came up with early on at CrossFit Champions, which quickly became the ‘Standard CFC Warmup.’

1. Run, Row or Bike – 3-4 minutes
2. Joint Mobility

  • 10 Forward & 10 Backward Arm Swings
  • 10 Neck Rotations
  • 10 Shoulder Rolls
  • 10 Trunk Twists (each direction)
  • 10 Hip Circles (each direction)
  • 10 Knee/Ankle Circles (each direction)

3. Rolling (foam roller)

  • 8-10 passes on Quads
  • 8-10 passes on ITB
  • 8-10 passes on Adductors
  • 8-10 passes on Back

4. Limbers

  • 10 Fire Hydrants (5 each side)
  • 10 Groiners (5 each side)
  • 10 Frog Jumps
  • 10 Rollover to V-Sit

5. Movement

  • 10 Squats (air or OH)
  • 10 Jumping Pull-ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Supermans
  • 10 Sit-ups

6. Sampson Stretch

  • 30 seconds each side
